Water: a source of pure ideas

We strive in life to ensure three things: work, creativity, and good health. We only become aware of the latter once we have lost it, competitiveness, on the other hand, we become most aware of during the process of losing it.

The concept behind green technology is resource preservation. Water in this sense is vitally important. Much of the world is facing a shortage of drinking water, and that is why water should be seen as a source of pure ideas, innovation and business opportunities.

How can a balance be struck between a healthy environment and competitive industry, particularly in this time of crisis?Europeis otherwise in first place when it comes to environmental technologies. The question is thus, to what extent is industry able to finance and implement the increasing conditionality of sustainability. Sustainability has to be factored into reality and be in balance with regard to the crisis to ensure a healthy environment.

Companies have many business opportunities related to water. Water needs to be filtered, collected and distributed to drought areas of the world; controlled and monitored with the aid of information technology; and building infrastructure to cope with excess water is important. We must also not forget that water is crucial for companies involved in health tourism and also for those working in the renewables sector.

Looking ahead to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio, the European Parliament Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety held a debate with European Commissioner Janez Potočnik. Knowledge, responsibility and political wisdom will be the values that will determine the outcome of the conference.

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