The economic, social and environmental crisis in Europe and inSloveniacan be compared with a man suffering from chronic illness. Without radical changes in living habits and energy consumption, we will not take control of the crisis and be unable to escape from it.
A man who is suffering from a chronic illness must completely change his lifestyle. He must change his diet, give up his bad habits, such as fat, sugar and white bread. His life rhythm must include everyday movement, a load balanced by the energy that his body possesses, despite chronic illness.
The present time of an aging society is characterized by a cult of eternal youth and beauty, which is satisfied by ‘silicon fashion’. We forget that beauty comes from within, from good deeds, thoughts and attitudes. Outward beauty works just like a company that does not recognize its results, its deficiencies. Behind the walls of training centers, homes for the elderly, centers for drug addicts, rehabilitation centers and clinics today, we have thousands of people who the normally healthy do not notice. Our own problems seem to be too large and we do not want to confront those who live with significant limitations. We do not see that life is putting before us more difficult challenges than just the struggle for survival in times of crisis. Years ago, at the opening of the chapel at theInstituteofOncology, Bishop Uran said: “All who come here for treatment, forget all their wishes of shopping, travels, wealth; the only wish that remains is RECOVERY.”
We live in times of crisis, where the entire financial system is sick and in need of healing. Only this will not be achieved on the streets and not by shifting the problems onto others. It can only be achieved with a compromise between all participants. In the European Parliament, the word “compromise” is a word more frequently spoken. It is time for it to pass to our country. Common sense is needed today more than ever. Many are unwilling to see the sick financial situation in which we live. Just as we do not see people living with restrictions within the walls of institutions, many are now not aware of the consequences stemming from the crisis stricken financial system.
World Health Day is there to remind us that our welfare and health requires good relations and a friendly social environment. These come form us citizens. I wish you health and a peaceful and happy Easter!